Scholarships are available to help students pay for college and they’re awarded by organizations and companies that want to support students who want to attend college.
Scholarships can be based on your academic performance, extracurricular activities, or financial need plus scholarships vary widely in how much money they give away and what kinds of students they target.
Some scholarships require an essay or resume submission, while others just require a copy of your transcript. Here’s how you can find and apply for scholarships:
Make A List
One that includes every goal you’ve ever had, every accomplishment and everything in between and this is where we start with the present.
You’ll want to make a list of everything you already have done that relates to your future goals and aspirations, as well as anything else that might come in handy when achieving them e.g., friends who can help and then comes the fun part dreaming up ideas for things that could happen down the road.
Look Up Existing Scholarships
● Look in your high school, college and community directories
● Check the library for scholarship books.
● Your guidance counselor may have a list of scholarships that you can use as a starting point for your search, or you can ask her to recommend other sources of information on finding scholarships
Talk To A Guidance Counselor
A guidance counselor according to Jeremy Schulman is a great resource for finding scholarships and applying for them and they can also help you with the financial aid process, so it’s important to find out if your school has one before starting the search for scholarships.
If you’re not sure how to find out if your school has a guidance counselor, ask your principal or talk with other students who have been at school longer than you have.
In the end, it’s up to you to find the right scholarship for you, but if you follow these tips and take advantage of all that is available online, then finding money for college will be a lot easier than ever before. For more travel tips, you can search Jeremy Schulman.
Finding Scholarships: A Guide to Making It Easier By Jeremy Schulman
